Greetings TSDKI members, family & friends:
We hope everyone is off to a great start for 2012 and fulfilled with the good fortune, power and pasion of the Dragon. It is now the time to pursue your goals and dreams which lay ahead. And yes, January is already gone so please be advised and save the dates for the first 10 scheduled school activities of the year!!
1. Saturday, Feb. 4th Our monthly Regional Black Belt Class starts at 1:00pm. This will be our 2nd Annual 100 Hyungs Challenge. All DAN members and Cho DAN Bo are to attend.
Ocean Air Recreation Center 4770 Fairport Way San Diego, CA. 93130.
Driving Directions: From the 5 or the 805: exit LOCAL BYPASS, Carmel Mountain Road go East, 3rd light, go right (Carmel Mountain Road), Left at E. Ocean Air. If you wish to follow or carpool. We will leave from the studio at 12:10pm.
2. Saturday February 4th Adult Class will be held at 8:00am. There will be no 12:15pm adult class due to the scheduled Regional Black Belt Class.
3. Thursday February 8th Tiny Tiger/Little Dragon Testing 4:45pm. Eligible students will be notified by their instructor.
4. Saturday, February 11th
Gup Testing 2:00pm. Eligible students will be notified by their instructor.
5. SUNDAY February 26th
Family & Friends BIKE HIKE on San Diego's BAYSHORE BIKEWAY!!
All students, families and friends are invited to join us for a fun, scenic, and easy bike hike along one of San Diego's beautiful bike paths. Check your equipment, inflate your tires, pack a snack, and meet at the starting point (TSDKI Studio) on Sunday, February 26th. This trail is a great place for a slow, scenic ride, or a fast training ride. The trail is very safe and has a clean surface, plus there are great views. Trail users can use restrooms and lunch tables at Silver Strand State Park which has direct access to the trail.
- 11:30am Begin at the TSDKI Studio
- Enter bike path via Otay Valley Regional Park entrance located two blocks south of Main Street on Hollister St.
- Travel along Bayshore Bikeway to Silver Strand State Park Beach (access beach through tunnel)
- Refreshment and special training activity is scheduled at the beach.
- Return to studio.
http://www.sandag.org/uploads/projectid/projectid_63_13218.pdf6. March 22-25. The 23rd WTSDA Annual MASTERS' CLINIC
7. April 13-15 Fri-Sun Region 20 Clinic for Red, Blue, and Black Belts at YMCA Camp Marston (near Julian, CA).See Information posted at the studio.
8. Saturday, May 5th Regional DAN testing San Diego.
9. May 19th 10th Battle Of LA Championship (Open Tang Soo Do Championship). Los Angeles. Details forthcoming.
10. XIV World Championship July 20-22 - Greensboro, North Carolina. Invitation and Application are attached. The 2012 World Championship promises to be our organizations' largest and most important event yet. Thousands from across the globe will attend to be part this prestigious event marked by our WTSDA's 30th anniversary as well as the long anticipated grand opening of our new world headquarters in nearby Burlington, North Carolina. In addition to the international competition, a world-class picnic is planned for Sunday after the event on site at the new headquarters. The WTSDA world championships are held every two years and are clearly a unique experience in celebration and competition. We do have information on group travel rates and we are compiling a list of families interested in attending. If you are interested please add your name to the World Championship signup list at the studio. You won't want to miss it!!
See you in class!
Masters Larry & Leslie D'Ercole