Instructor Leslie Salinas D'Ercole has recently returned from the 20th WTSDA's Masters Camp, a four day training and testing program held in Florence, Alabama led by grandmaster Jae C. Shin. She became one of a very select group to receive the camp invitation from the Grandmaster identifying her as an official candidate for the masters rank. Joined with 135 other candidates and masters from around the world, instructor Leslie shared in numerous lectures and training sessions offered by many of our talented WTSDA masters. Being no stranger to intensity, Leslie arrive at camp prepared for the exhausting demands but was soon humbled to become part of and interacting with the masters and candidates group. She just was herself expressing her passion for Tang Soo Do and desire of becoming the best leader she possibly can. At the camp graduation ceremony Leslie was presented the prestigious "Masters Camp Spirit Award" in recognition of her exemplary Tang Soo Do spirit. When asked how she felt about the award, Leslie replied, "I have been honored for life". All of us at Tang Soo Do Karate Institute are equally honored and proud of her very special accomplishment. Tang Soo!
Master Larry Dercole
6th Dan
Master Larry Dercole
6th Dan