Greetings TSDKI families and friends. Welcome to 2010!!
We hope everybody enjoyed their holiday season and are now energized with exciting resolutions and renewed determination to reach higher as we step forward into a brand new decade. The New Year promises to be both exciting and meaningful for our studio and Association. Looking ahead to a few of upcoming events, we are pleased to announce the Yu Dan Ja promotions of three new Black Belts; Amanda Masumoto, Alexis Stoke, and Efren Roman. A special graduation ceremony will take place during our Regional Black Belt class scheduled for February 6th.
In March, masters and master candidates from around the world, will join Grand Master Shin in Alabama for the annual Master’s Camp.
The 2010 World Championship is scheduled for July 16-17 in Greensboro, North Carolina. We are encouraging all to attend and experience this historic event as Grandmaster Shin will be promoted by the WTSDA membership to the highest rank achievable in TSD, 9th DAN. Additionally, we will be activating our TSDKI Demo team once again to prepare and show our pride at this World Championship event.
Tune up your bicycles! A Tang Soo family Bike Hike is planned to coincide with our studio's 33rd anniversary in the early October. These are a few of the exciting activities planned with many more stuffed in between.
Let's march forward together to conquer our goals, celebrate success, and share our Tang Soo Do Spirit.
Dedicated to Excellence, Inspired by you...Tang Soo!!
Master Larry D'Ercole & BSBN Leslie D'Ercole